Teacher + Student = dumb and dumber
Story Introduction
This content is derived from APC Magazine, November 2007. We had no idea there were so many dumb IT trainers and students out there. The stories just keep coming in.
Ian Caldewell, a self-styled 'PC tinkerer', refurbishes PCs, and has ways of acquiring modems, monitors, CPUs, boxes and RAM - to the point where it has become a pastime consuming most of his leisure time. He now has streams of people seeking repairs, advice and assistance. "Recently, I replaced an old power supply for a couple, and, when they came to collect, they asked whether I made house calls. I said I could and asked what they needed." The lady told Caldewell she'd bought a new wireless mouse, and, since it was the last one on display, it didn't come with a box or instructions. "I asked her: 'Did you put batteries in it?!' She hadn't, of course."